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OpenChain 2.0 in French

By 2020-03-23November 23rd, 2020Featured

Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir

The OpenChain Specification 2.0, the latest version of our industry standard for open source compliance, is now available in French. This official translation provides a reference to assist with understanding and engagement throughout companies.

OpenChain 2.0 is the latest version of our standard and it is functionally identical the the forthcoming ISO standard. This means that any company that conforms with OpenChain 2.0 will also be conformant with the ISO standard on release.

Big Thanks To Our Local Contributors

  • Tristan FAURE
  • Bruno GRASSET
  • Benjamin JEAN
  • Laurent JOUBERT
  • Lionel LOUBET
  • Camille MOULIN
  • Harmonie VO VIET ANH

Special thanks to Camille, Tristan and Benjamin for finalizing this version.

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